Add liquidity
Add liquidity module
Last updated
Add liquidity module
Last updated
Available protocols: Liquidswap, Thala
Liquidity is added to stable pools, and the amount of coin Y will be automatically determined based on the protocol's formula.
Example: 100 USDC can require 140 USDT
Liquidity is added to stable pools, amount of Y equals to amount of X.
Example: 100 USDC requires 100 USDT. If Send all balance is turned on, the maximum amount of each token in the wallet balance will be used.
Every liquidity protocol has its own pools. Please check if the specific pool pair is available before using.
Make reverse action - will make second transaction wich will remove added liquidity.
Min amount & Max amount - the final amount of coin to add liquidity will be randomly chosen in the range of these numbers.
Use all balance - will swap all the coins you have in your wallet.
Send % of balance - It will randomly select a number from the minimum and maximum amount fields. This number will represent the percentage of tokens used from your wallet balance.
Slippage - swap slippage in %
Gas price & Gas limit - price per gas unit and max used gas parameters (Gas calculation method).
Force gas limit - when turned on, the maximum gas limit will be exactly taken from the input.